My mystery garlic crop

Garlic is one of my favourite winter vegetable to grow.  There isn’t much that can go wrong with garlic, but I you get the best results if you prepare the soil well and keep the weeds down throughout the growing period.  Home grown garlic smells and tastes...

How to grow Tomatoes

Tomatoes are one of the most prized vegetable to grow in the home garden. A home grown tomato picked straight from the bush and eaten fresh or on a piece of toast for breakfast is one of summers great joys. Luckily, tomatoes are also fairly easy to grow.  Good, early...

How to prepare a raised garden bed.

At the recent garden shows we have attended, by far the most commonly asked question is:  “What do I fill my new garden bed with?”  This is normally preceded with… “Just a silly question, but….”.  Rest assured, this isn’t a...

How to grow Garlic

Along with tomatoes, garlic are a really rewarding vegetable to grow.  Homegrown garlic has a flavour which you just can get from the garlic you find in the supermarkets.  Besides tasting great, garlic has many added medicinal values and has shown to benefit those...

How to grow Beetroot

Beetroot is a great all-round vegetable.  It is great roasted with balsamic vinegar, raw in salads or the more traditional use of pickled in vinegar.  Whichever way you prefer your beetroot, enjoy it more home grown.   Origins:  Beetroot is a close relative of spinach...